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Self-Serve Eggs

While I may be enjoying wearing my slippers these days more than my boots, the hens are still out there laying eggs for us each day. Come by and pick up your eggs from our self-serve fridge located near the farm stand. We stock the fridge every morning by 9am with some of the freshest eggs you can find in the area, for $8.50/dozen.

Our hens diet these days consists of non-soy, non-corn organic grains grown in eastern Colorado and western Nebraska. While there is still butternut squash to share with the hens, this time of year alfalfa/grass hay is the substitute for the main season veggies they are used to enjoying.

Our Farm Stand is currently closed until late January...we are taking a little break to plan for the coming season and enjoy some quiet creative time. But....the self-serve egg stand is available daily after 9am. You can pay with cash, check or Venmo.

Looking forward to continuing to grow for you in the new year!

Anne & the Cure Organic Farm Team

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