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Meet Charlie, he's leading our harvests

Why Boulder? I was born and raised in boulder. I recently finished school in Arizona and decided to come back to be with family and work at Cure! Also, because of my positionality I feel it is important to my best to give back to this community that I am privileged to be a part of. 

Why farming? I have always loved gardening, and knew I wanted to work outside every day. I had an amazing professor and advisor in college named Eleanor Tison who helped me grow a passion for regenerative agriculture and food justice, and helped me realize that it could be my career. I love farming because I am able to be outside every day, get my hands dirty, work with awesome people, eat delicious fresh food, and give back to my community and the earth.

Share a core belief- Be a compassionate human!

Interesting tidbit- Last year I had the incredible opportunity to study indigenous culture, food systems and food security, and community activism in both Maasai land Kenya and Sonora Mexico, and got to be a part of some awesome conservation projects

Favorite veg- arugula/tomato

Favorite flower- yarrow

When not farming- I love to bike, ski, camp, travel, and listen to music

Traditional CSA Shares

Still haven't ordered your CSA share yet? This weekend is your last chance to secure your CSA share for the season. CSA share membership closes on Sunday evening. The first CSA pick up will be June 5th. Current CSA members, we will be sending out info about your first CSA pick-up in June this coming week!

Vegetable shares include: 20 weeks of baby greens, arugula, spicy greens, kale, chard, spinach, endive, chicories, assorted herbs, garlic, onions, shallots, potatoes, carrots, beets, radish, turnip, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, peas, beans, zucchini, summer squash, cucumbers, okra, winter squashes and more!!

Our Farm Stand Is OPEN this weekend, 12-5pm

Charlie and our veg and flower field crew team harvested some beautiful crops yesterday for the stand. Come say hi and stock up on your veggies for the week. Here's what we have available this weekend at the stand:

arugula, spicy greens, spinach, red veined spinach, pea shoots, baby kale red russian kale raab, asparagus, chioggia beets, easter egg radishes, spring onions, green garlic, rhubarb, eggs, ground beef, breakfast sausage, hanging baskets, vegetable plant starts for your garden and more!

We are grateful to be growing for you. Looking forward to seeing you on the farm!

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